Cara ngatasi masalah stiker stiker swadaya kanthi efektif

- 2021-05-31-

Kaya sing wis dingerteni,stiker dhewe-adhesive are sticky, and bubbles are more likely to be generated in the process of applying stiker, which will directly affect the adhesive effect and externality of the label. The following will introduce two more commonly used stiker problems and their treatment methods. They are: transparent film type stiker dhewe-adhesive attached to the transparent bottle body will produce bubbles.

Faktor sing nyebabake gelembung: lumahing awak botol sing ora rata, depresi cilik, utawa empuk label sing cocog karo awak botol bakal ngasilake gelembung; cara label saka mesin stiker cocog karo desain tampilan awak botol, utawa cara menehi label ora cocog, Air bakal tetep ana ing stiker lan ngasilake umpluk.


1. Mesin label khusus adesif khusus transparan, label kasebut nggunakake scraper karet;

2. Gunakake bahan sing cocog karo bahan awak botol kanggo nyithak botolstiker;

Sadurunge masang stiker, priksa manawa permukaan cangkeme botol wis rata. Yen leveling ora ditindakake, cetakan kanggo ngasilake awak botol kudu diratakan.

Masalah nomer loro: gelembung udara digawe nalika label kertas akeh dipasang ing prau kayata drum minyak.

Alesan gelembung: Lingkungan panyimpenan stiker kasebut beda banget karo suhu lan asor papane, sing nyebabake nyerep lembab kanthi cepet sawise label ditrapake lan generasi umpluk. Utawa amarga lumahingstikerora rata utawa ana noda sing ngasilake lepuh, sing nyebabake label kasebut ora ditempelake kanthi kuat lan nyebabake gelembung.


1. Before sticking the stiker, place the stiker in the stiker environment for a period of time to make it balance with the humidity of the environment;

2. Jaga permukaan obyek label supaya garing lan resik, lan nempelake obyek label kanthi rata lan kuwat ing panggonan label.